Saturday, December 30, 2006

What is true?

Before we accept an idea as true, we need some way for us to discriminate truth from non-truth. But before we can do that, we need to have some understanding of the idea in question.

If I say that I have seen a UFO, you may or may not believe me. But if I tell you that I consider any object in the sky that I can’t identify to be a UFO, you would be much more likely to believe me, for my given definition of a UFO. The point here is, that before we can discover truth, such as the existence of some thing, we first have to know what the thing is that we’re talking about. We need to agree on a definition. Otherwise, we may not be talking about the same thing, and misunderstandings will result. This is often the case when we talk about Gods. What is it that we are discussing when we talk of a God? There are many descriptions of many Gods, and different people believe different things about the Gods they believe in. What are the attributes of your God?


Anonymous said...

What's prompting this qwest for answers ?

Mike said...

It's not so much a quest for answers, as much as it is an opportunity to discuss how and what we all think.

As a Bright, it strikes me that belief in supernatual things have historically been bad, but this is a subject for a future post.


The purpose of this blog is to open up a dialog about reaching for truth in our beliefs. My view of faith, is that it is the thing that is used to justify a belief when there is insufficeint evidence. Faith is not a valid reason for any belief, and most people agree...until it comes to their religion, then faith is the only justification.

My purpose in saying this is not to be divisive. In fact quite the contrary. I'd like to understand why people feel that faith, rather than evidence and reason, can result in beliefs that are true. I don't see faith assisting in finding truth; rather our best chance at reaching truth is through reason and reasonableness.

These posts represent short thoughts for discussion.